
"Well,hello there,my friends!"

Welcome to "Pinky DeVille's Highway Of
Life"...I'm very glad that you stopped by to
look around! It is my sincere pleasure to
guide you through this important "road-trip"
that I think everyone needs to experience...
No matter who you are or what spiritual back-
ground you may have,I believe that you will
find this web-page to be unusual and thought-
provoking...If the Christians who may be read-
ing this feel more inspired to spread the "Good
News" about Jesus Christ,then that will be ab-
solutely fabulous! However,it is also my duty
here to help those who are searching for the
"right road"...You see,life really is a highway
and ALL of us have to know where we are go-
ing...I hope my no-nonsense,straight-forward
articles will give you the answers you need...
But,please keep in mind that I am just a
humble messenger here with a simple story
to tell...I will leave the serious decisions up
to YOU...After all,God created Man with the
free will to make his or her own choices! So,
fasten your seat-belts,my friends...You are
about to take the ride of your life!

A Message To The Skeptics

I've heard all of the cliches before...That
Christians are "boring","no fun" and our
religion is based on "scare tactics"...First,
let me ask you these questions: What is
your idea of "fun"? Smoking tobacco and
"grass" like an old Cadillac with bad piston
rings? How about drinking booze like a fuel-
sucking semi-truck? Maybe getting high on
any drug you can lay your hands on? What
about out-of-control sex with anyone (or
anything) you can find? An all-night party
with all of the above? Are these your ideas
of "FUN"?? Well,NO THANKS,my friend...
I've got more intelligent things to do with
my life! Now,about your "scare tactics"
excuse: This world is an evil and fearful
place in itself,especially for those who live
without God...Our so-called "methods" of
leading lost souls to the Lord are simply
our way of exposing these people to the
FACTS they need to know...The "Truth" has
always frightened us since the beginning of
time...Furthermore,any sensible individual
SHOULD be afraid of Hell...However,if you
are a Christian,you have NOTHING to fear!
Concerning unbelievers,I will address those
who say,"I am a good person...I don't need
to be saved"...Once again,the Bible makes
things clear: "All have sinned"..."Works
without faith is dead" (and vice-versa)...
"Ye must be born again"...Sorry,folks,that's
just the way it is...If you have a problem
with that,simply take it up with the Lord
on "Judgement Day"...And yes,that "day"
is going to happen...ALL of us are required
to attend this big event...When you stand
before God and say,"I didn't know about
your plan of salvation",guess what? If you
have read any part of this web-page,you
can NEVER use that statement in your
defense! So,what it boils down to is this:
The "decision" on which "path" to take in
your life is purely up to YOU...Only YOU
will make your own destiny!

Route 666: The Untold Story

The Bible states that there are two different
roads in life...Those who choose to travel on
"the narrow path" receives eternal life with
our Lord in Heaven...But,those who choose
"the wide path" will receive eternal death in
Hell...God and His Son,Jesus Christ,make
these facts quite clear throughout the Holy
Scriptures and it is always left up to Man to
make the correct choice...All of us have been
on the "wide" road,but there comes a time
when we either stay on course to damnation
(while believing in Satan's illusions) or we
decide to take the "Exit" provided by our
Lord and Savior...The story that I am about
to tell you is going to explain in "modern
highway terms" all that you need to know
about a certain "route" that YOU might be
traveling on right now...
This is the "wide path" which the Bible
speaks of...It is a fast-paced,multi-lane
expressway that is filled to capacity with
motorists who think that they are "free"...
There are no speed limits or other traffic
laws that are enforced...This is what makes
"Route 666" so popular! People see this
road as a non-stop "pleasure-trip" with
smooth pavement and beautiful scenery...
But this is all part of the Devil's very clever
agenda of spiritual destruction...Many do
not even realize what road they are truly
on because Satan likes to keep the "666"
markers hidden...His "freeway" is,in itself,
another one if his lies..."Route 666" is in
fact a "turnpike" with a very heavy "toll"...
The Devil requires "payment" at the end,
but "the end" can occur WITHOUT any
warning! The motorists see this as only a
minor detail because they are having so
much fun riding along with their friends
and family...The longer that they are on
"Route 666",the faster they go...They think
the "party" will never end! To these "lost
souls",the road still looks safe,but what
seems to be firm pavement is actually sit-
ting on unstable ground...The roadway
could crumble at any given moment! The
bridges,appearing new,are really painted-
over rust with decks made of rotting wood...
The dangerous hills,sharp curves and blind
intersections are always disregarded by the
millions who travel down "Route 666"...They
keep following the grand illusion...The hills
and curves become more dangerous...The
road gets rougher...The so-called "pleasure-
trip" takes on a different theme...The scenery
all around them is an ever increasing dark-
ness...Worry and regret appears while some
motorists start to search for the next "Exit"...
But,it never comes...Then,without any poss-
ible warning,those who are on the final
stretch of "Route 666" immediately drive
over a cliff and crash into the pit of Hell! All
that is heard are their bone-chilling screams
and Satan's laughter...It is now the point of
no return...Another million souls are lost
"Route 666" may have been built by the Devil,
but God was in charge of it's design...Our
Creator,through his mercy,has posted many
"Exit" signs along "Satan's Turnpike"...But it
is up to YOU to pay attention to them and
make the RIGHT decision...DO NOT expect
another chance around the bend...The next
important sign that you see may be your last!

God's Perfect Route Number

This highway is appropriately titled "Route
No.7"...I prefer to call it "King Jesus Way"
because our Savior is the ONLY way to get
to "Paradise"...Unlike "Route 666",this road
is truly a "Freeway"...Jesus Christ has already
paid our "toll" through his death and resur-
rection...All that is required of us is our accep-
tance of Him and our agreement to repent for
our sins...The hardest part of our journey down
"Route 7" is LIVING for Him...But,the "Holy
Spirit" can make our ride with the Lord very
easy...We have the Scriptures to guide us and
we can always pray to God (through His Son)
for protection during the times when the road
gets rough..."Route 7" is not always a pleasant
experience because of our imperfect and sinful
world,but we ALWAYS have God's "high beams"
to direct us through the hills and valleys...There
are His "warning signs" posted at every mile...
Those who travel on "Route 666" see "King
Jesus Way" as "no fun","boring" and even a
"fairy tale"...But,that is due to their Satanic
spiritual blindness! The "few" who will travel
down "Route 7" know the truth: This is where
your REAL friends are! This peaceful and quiet
stretch of roadway can be the most exciting trip
of your life...It has countless hidden treasures
that God will always reveal to you in His time...
Finally,the point of destination (Heaven) makes
it all worth while! Imagine this: Eternal life with
NO pain,NO suffering and NO worries...It's hard
to believe,but it is TRUE! Why? Because God
says so! Our FAITH in Him makes everything
possible...When we come to the earthly end of
"Route 7",this road,which sometimes passes for
a dusty,old cattle trail,transforms into a wonderful
"street paved with gold"...After passing through
"Heaven's Gate",God's "perfect route number"
becomes "Paradise Blvd."...This most scenic road
in the universe has beauty beyond description...
As you continue onward,you will experience
eternal peace and everlasting joy...It will be very
clear that taking "the narrow road" was a wise
Which will it be? Will you continue on your own
(Satan's) way or will you choose God's way? If
you are traveling down "Route 666",do you have
the FAITH to take the next "Exit"? I hope that
you do!

A New Life Can Be Yours!

Just as my current owner gave me a "New
Life",God,through His Son,Jesus Christ,
can do the same for YOU...Our Creator
can "restore" your soul when you accept
His plan of Salvation...It is a "free gift"
thanks to the "payment" made by our
Lord and Savior...As we travel down our
"highway of life",there will be many
questions...God's "Road Atlas" (in the
picture above) is where we can find the
answers we need to know...It also serves
as our "spiritual map" while on our very
exciting journey down "Route 7"...If you
want to be sure of your "direction",always
keep one of these "Good Books" handy...
Today,there are many opinions on which
"version" is best...Due to my old-fashioned
philosophy,I personally recommend the
"1611 King James" and the "1599 Geneva"
Bibles...Using one with a "concordance"
can be a great help...So,if you have made
the RIGHT decision to take the "narrow
path" to Heaven,this is the best choice
you will ever make in your life...I wish you
well on your "road-trip" and take it from
your old friend,Pinky: When a "technical
question" ever arises,make sure that you
always refer to your "Owner's Manual"!