I've heard all of the cliches before...That
Christians are "boring","no fun" and our
religion is based on "scare tactics"...First,
let me ask you these questions: What is
your idea of "fun"? Smoking tobacco and
"grass" like an old Cadillac with bad piston
rings? How about drinking booze like a fuel-
sucking semi-truck? Maybe getting high on
any drug you can lay your hands on? What
about out-of-control sex with anyone (or
anything) you can find? An all-night party
with all of the above? Are these your ideas
of "FUN"?? Well,NO THANKS,my friend...
I've got more intelligent things to do with
my life! Now,about your "scare tactics"
excuse: This world is an evil and fearful
place in itself,especially for those who live
without God...Our so-called "methods" of
leading lost souls to the Lord are simply
our way of exposing these people to the
FACTS they need to know...The "Truth" has
always frightened us since the beginning of
time...Furthermore,any sensible individual
SHOULD be afraid of Hell...However,if you
are a Christian,you have NOTHING to fear!
Concerning unbelievers,I will address those
who say,"I am a good person...I don't need
to be saved"...Once again,the Bible makes
things clear: "All have sinned"..."Works
without faith is dead" (and vice-versa)...
"Ye must be born again"...Sorry,folks,that's
just the way it is...If you have a problem
with that,simply take it up with the Lord
on "Judgement Day"...And yes,that "day"
is going to happen...ALL of us are required
to attend this big event...When you stand
before God and say,"I didn't know about
your plan of salvation",guess what? If you
have read any part of this web-page,you
can NEVER use that statement in your
defense! So,what it boils down to is this:
The "decision" on which "path" to take in
your life is purely up to YOU...Only YOU
will make your own destiny!